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Bill Foster and his Buddies

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

September 20, 2023

Today it was my privilege to take Bill Foster, Brad Macgayhee, and Jason Johnson on a fishing excursion. These guys were awesome and knew what they were doing. I'd worked hard this week trying to get things perfect, but even so this was the only "Big Red" we got. It was a good one though, measuring in at 34 inches. We did catch some other fish also. By we, I mean Brad (see below, lol). I was a little disappointed, because I'm used to being better at getting "Big Reds" on a day like this. Nonetheless, we did a have a very good time out there one the water today and I made a couple of good new friends.

We hit the water early. I had blue crabs I'd gotten yesterday after driving almost an hour. It ain't easy getting blue crabs these days, but they are the best bait for big Reds. I got couple of dozen of the hard to find commodity and we would be set for the day. Some of the crabs were fresh, but some, not so much. Nonetheless, we put them to good use. We hit several normally hot red fish spots that are usually productive this time of year. I was surprised it was slow, particularly since it was so good a few days ago. I had to fish the incoming tide, which is definitely NOT my preference, but we made the most of it. Having said that, it was one of the best days of the year to be out on the water, you couldn't have asked for any better weather. Being out on the water with Bill, one of my oldest and best friends was awesome. And also it was great to meet some new friend who I hope will keep in touch.

On a "special" note, Brad won the "trash fishing" award today by catching a Toad Fish and and undersized Black Bass. What made his trash fishing accomplishment unique is that he was able to catch them both on one bait on ONE hook.

After the high tide mark, we ventured over to North Inlet. While we weren't there long, it looked really good. There were multiple schools of finger mullet in the creeks. If it had been a little earlier in the day, it would have been easy to net a bunch of finger mullet and work the creeks for "Slot Reds." But we only had a limited amount of time by then and we threw some shrimp under popping corks. The Reds were up in the grass, and Brad hooked up on a nice one that unfortunately ran into some structure and broke him off. But it was a picture perfect cast and delivery.

My new best friends

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28 sept. 2023



Jason Johnston
Jason Johnston
22 sept. 2023


It was an absolute pleasure! Fish or no fish that was one of the best days I have spent on the water. Hope to come back soon and do it again.


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